Trig Ruiz

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Isandro (Trig) Ruiz (born 2019) is an Argentinian engineer specializing in lunar and Martian habitat construction. He was the Chief Engineer of the Aitken Crater Moonbase and designed the Sagan Research Station on Mars’ Olympus Mons. His start-up Star Engineers designs and constructs research habitats for major science institutions.


Early Life and Career

Born in Tierra del Fuego to Martha and Alonso Ruiz, Isandro Ruiz attended the San Cristobal High School in Rio Gallegos and then earned a Bachelor at the Instituto Tecnológico de Buenos Aires. After an internship with ESA’s Young Engineer Program, Ruiz completed his Master in Science at the University of Cambridge in the UK.

Ruiz has been working on contract with ESA, NASA, COSCORP, and MoonStruck. He launched his own company Star Engineers in 2057. 

In 2069 Ruiz was selected for the SETI Institute’s New Frontier Exploration Lab program [1], which is sending scientists and artists to well-studied exoplanets that exhibit possible signs of extraterrestrial life. He is currently on a mission to Rogue 45 in the Upper Scorpius region.


Honors and Awards

Young Engineer Award 2037, Habitat Construction, South American Engineering Association

Habitat Design – Off World, Runner Up, 2051, HABITAT Group

World Beard and Moustache Championships [2], Freestyle Moustache, Winner, 2061, 2063, 2064.


External Links

  • Star Engineers Ltd
  • Trig’s Beard Blog



1. New Frontier Exploration Lab announces crews. SETI Institute, 15 January 2069. Retrieved on 16 April 2070.

2. World Beard and Moustache Championships. Retrieved on 8 October 2070 from

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